托福獨立寫作 高分範文 (二)
TASK: Will people loss old friends when moving to a new place?
The last several years have witnessed an increased frequency of moving to a new place because of some decisions, such as changing jobs, going on higher education, or just retiring from work. Numerous claims have been made that it is not a smart choice as it means the loss of old friends. However, I disagree with this contention through my personal experiences.
1) witness (N./ V.) (尤指犯罪或事故的)目擊者 ; 見證人;連署人 ; (法庭上的)證人 ; 目擊,看到(尤指事故或犯罪) ; 為…簽名作證;連署; 證明;表明; 是發生…的地點(或時間)
2) frequency (N.) 事件發生的)頻度,次數;頻繁 ; 頻率
3) decision (N.) 決定;決策;選擇 ; 果斷,乾脆;決斷(力)
4) claim (N./ V.) 聲稱;宣稱;斷言;主張 ; 要求(擁有);認領;索取 ;索賠
5) contention (N.) 論點;主張;看法; 爭論;紛爭;口角
To begin with, as the development of new technology, more and more innovations designed to help people communicate for a long distance have been invented, such as cell phone and e-mail. Through these miraculous medias, people can easily keep in touch with their old friends no matter where they are. During my high school life, I have an intimate friend called Tim. We almost stayed together every day, and some teachers even regarded us as twins. So I will never forget that night I cried sadly just because I had to go to a new city for my study and I thought I would lose Tim. But fortunately, using the phones and Skype. I can still keep in touch with Tim. We meet on internet every night, and we usually talk about the events recently happened in our life. Never do I have a feeling that I will lose my friend just because of the long distance.
1) to begin with 首先,第一 ;原先,剛開始
2) innovations (N.) 新觀念;新方法;(新觀念或方法的)創造,使用
3) invent (V.) 發明,創造; 捏造,編造,虛構
4) miraculous (Adj.) 奇跡般的;令人驚奇的;不可思議的
5) no matter 不要緊,無關緊要
6) intimate (Adj./N.) 親密的; 諳熟的,精通的; 密友,知己
7) regard (V.) 考慮,思考;將…認為;看待 ; 注視;凝視
8) fortunately (Adv.) 幸運地;走運地
In addition, it may be a fact that we may lose some of our old friends, but I do not believe it is a huge loss. That is to say, true friends are friends that you always keep in touch with each other, and the friendship will not be easy destroyed by the long distance but may be more precious. Those who we lose are not true friend, and I’m sure we will lose them someday even if there was no distance. So why should we change our notion for moving to a new place because of the loss of them?
1) In addition (to) 除…之外還
2) destroy (V.) 毀壞,摧毀,毀滅 ; 宰殺,滅殺,殺死(被病痛折磨或危險的動物)
3) precious (Adj. / Adv.) 珍貴的,寶貴的 ; 過分講究的,做作的 ; 極其,非常
Last of all, moving to a new place will give us an opportunity to have some new friends. They will remind you of your old friend, and sometimes they can be seen as substitutes for old friends. For instance, once I was worried about a presentation in a science class because I get nervous when speaking in front of the others. What is worse, Tim was just busy doing his work that day. So I felt despaired and helpless. Then my roommate knew this, and he told me to imagine that I was only talking to him and helped me relax myself. His advice kept me calm, and I received an excellent
grade. So I am sure these new friends will also give me lots of assistance and support.
1) substitute for sth 取代,代替
2) For instance 例如
3) presentation (N.) 報告,演講,陳述 ; 授予,頒發 ; 外觀;呈現方式;外貌
4) nervous (Adj.) 擔心的;緊張不安的 ; 神經的;神經系統的
5) imagine (V.) 想像;設想 ; 猜測 ; 誤以為
In summary, due to the above-mentioned reasons, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that people no need to worry about the loss of old friends when moving to a new place. Just keep in touch with tour old friends by new tech and try to make some friends, and you will benefit from it.
1) in summary 綜上所述
2) above-mentioned 上述的