托福常見同義字 (一)
1) haggard (Adj./N.) 憔悴的,面容枯槁的;悍鷹;難駕馭的人
(1) He looked haggard about the eyes and quite old.
(2) He looked pale and haggard, and years older.
2) gaunt (Adj./N.) 憔悴的; 骨瘦如柴的; 荒涼的
(1) Looking gaunt and tired, he denied there was anything to worry about.
(2) He was an increasingly gaunt figure at the Square.
3) careworn (Adj.) 憂慮憔悴的; 忡忡
(1) It looks the same, with its dim lighting and strategically careworn sofas.
(2) Her face was careworn with anxiety.
4) wan (Adj./V.) 蒼白的,沒有血色的; 病弱的,軟弱無力的; 暗淡的,陰暗的;(使)變蒼白,(使)呈病態
(1) All she could manage was a thin, wan smile.
(2) In Germany " she told me," we have all the benefits," but employers don't wan to hire us.
5) emaciated (Adj.) 瘦弱的,憔悴的
(1) The animals had lost weight noticeably, becoming lean, almost emaciated.
(2) Many are emaciated, physically scarred, patently exhausted or traumatised.
6) illiterate (Adj./N.) 目不識丁的,文盲的; 文盲; 無知
(1) Many senior managers are technologically illiterate.
(2) Serious expression or musically illiterate pandering to the masses?
7) unlettered (Adj.) 文盲的
(1) For some reason they had not anticipated so crude and unlettered and yet convinced a figure.
(2) Having worked since they were children, they were hardened and shrewd, perhaps, but unlettered and inarticulate.
8) uncultured (Adj.) 沒有文化的; 未受教育的; 未開墾的; 未耕作的
(1) He comes from a completely uncultured, lower middle-class family.
(2) Those who unite native hardness with uncultured minds and manners.
9) uneducated (Adj.) 未受良好教育的; 缺乏教養的; 未受過正規教育的; 沒上過學的
(1) The poor and uneducated did worst under these reforms.
(2) It's religious, and uneducated and poor.
10) ignorant (Adj.) 無知的,愚昧的; 由無知引起的; 無學識的
(1) Many people are worryingly ignorant of the facts about global warming.
(2) I met some very ignorant people who called me all kinds of names.
11) inadvertent (Adj.) 出於無心的; 疏忽的,漫不經心的; 粗心大意
(1) The government has said it was an inadvertent error.
(2) All authors need to be wary of inadvertent copying of other people's ideas.
12) accidental (Adj./N.) 意外的,偶然(發生)的; 附屬的;偶然; 次要方面
(1) The report states that she died by accidental drowning.
(2) His hand brushed against hers; it could have been either accidental or deliberate.
13) fortuitous (Adj.) 偶然發生的,偶然的; 偶發
(1) Their success is the result of a fortuitous combination of circumstances.
(2) The occurrence of such things is by no means fortuitous.
14) unintentional (Adj.) 無意的,無心的; 無意識的
(1) Combustion effects may cause unintentional interactions with the adjacent main flow environment.
(2) If information is inaccurate it is unintentional at least.
15) incidental (Adj./N.) 附屬的; 易發生的,偶然發生的; 伴隨發生的; 附帶事件; 伴隨事件,雜費; 非主要的附帶項或費
(1) At the bottom of the bill, you will notice various incidental expenses such as faxes.
(2) The man had some incidental expenses to square away.
16) innermost (Adj.) 最深處的; 隱私的,最隱秘的
(1) She never abandoned her attempts to plumb my innermost emotions.
(2) Miranda is the smallest and innermost of Uranus's five major moons.
17) deepest (Adj.) 深的( deep的最高級 ); 嚴重的; 深奧的; 有…深的
(1) I send my deepest condolences to Mark and Carol
(2) I was stimulated to examine my deepest thoughts.
18) private (Adj./N.) 私有的,私人的; 秘密的; 內心的; 平民的,無官職的,士兵的;士兵
(1) Don't bug private conversations, and don't buy papers that reprint them.
(2) Private markets for goods, services, labor, and securities do mostly self-correct, but panic feeds on itself and disarms these stabilizing tendencies.