



❶ In advertising various strategies are used to persuade people to buy products. In order to sell more products, advertisers will often try to make us believe that a product will meet our needs or desires perfectly, even if it’s not true. The strategies that they use can be subtle, friendly forms of persuasion that are sometimes hard to recognize. ❷ In a lot of ads, repetition is a key strategy. Research shows that repeated exposure to a message, even something meaningless or untrue, is enough to make people accept it or see it in a positive light. ❸ You’ve all seen the car commercials on TV like, uh, the one that refers to its roomy cars over and over again. You know which one I mean. This guy is driving around and keeps stopping to pick up different people. He picks up three or four people. And each time, the narrator says, “Plenty of room for friends, plenty of room for family, plenty of room for everybody.” The same message is repeated several times in the course of the commercial.

❹ Now the car, the car actually looks kind of small, it’s not a very big car at all, but you get the sense that it’s pretty spacious. You’d think the viewer would reach the logical conclusion that the slogan mis-represents the product, instead, what usually happens is that when the statement “plenty of room” is repeated often enough, people are actually convinced it’s true. ❺ Um, another strategy they use is to get a celebrity to advertise a product. It turns out that we’re more likely to accept an advertisement claim made by somebody famous, a person we admire and find appealing. We tend to think they’re trustworthy. ❻ So, uh, you might have a car commercial that features a well-known race car driver. ❼ Now, it may not be a very fast car, uh, it could even be an inexpensive vehicle with a low performance rating. But if a popular race car driver is shown driving it and saying, “I like my cars fast!” Then people would believe the car is impressive for its speed.


1 Topic :


2 Points:


2 Examples:





1 Topic:

❶ 中開頭,教授指出講座的主題是關於廣告中有許多戰略用來說服人們購買商品。為了賣出更多的產品,廣告商往往會試圖讓我們相信產品將滿足我們的需求或渴望,即使這不是真的。從關鍵字various strategies are used to persuade people推斷出,該講座主題屬於方法一類,因此可以推斷,教授在下文將介紹幾種廣告行業中運用的戰略。

2 Points:

❷中以… is a key strategy的句型指出第一種戰略方法是repetition,即重複。❺中以another strategy …的句型引出第二種是通過celebrity來做廣告,即名人。

2 Examples:

❸中教授用You’ve all seen引出car commercials(汽車廣告)的例子說明這個戰略方法是什麼。教授用like, uh, the one that 指出roomy cars是一直被重複的一個資訊,廣告中反復plenty of room來突出汽車空間非常大。❹中又更近一步指出實際上這輛車看上去並不大,由於plenty of room一直被重複,人們會相信這是事實。

❺中用So引出celebrity(名人)的例子來說明第二個戰略方法。❻中詳細舉例well-known race car driver,利用著名賽車手的例子展開描述。❼中提出即使車輛本身不貴、性能評價也不高,但是賽車手在代言此汽車廣告的時候說到I like my cars fast,那麼人們會對這輛車的速度印象深刻。



1 Topic:

strategy persu people

2 Points:



2 Examples:

car commerc

plenty room

x big car → repeat → true

well-known driver

x fast, x expens, low rating

my cars fast → speed


1 Topic:

In the lecture, the professor talks about two kinds of persuasive strategies in advertising.

Point 1 + Example 1:

The first strategy is repetition.

The example is a car commercial. A guy is driving around and keeps stopping to pick up different people, each time a narrative says “Plenty of room for friends”, “Plenty of room for family” and so on. If we hear the slogan so many times, we tend to believe the car is spacious even if it’s not.

Point 2 + Example 2:

The second strategy is using celebrities.

For instance, in a car commercial, if a famous race-car driver is shown in a car and says “I like my car fast.” people will believe the car is fast even if it’s actually not a very fast car.


In the lecture, the professor talks about _____❶_____ in several points/aspects.

The first point he/she raises is_______❷_______.

For example, _______❸_______.

The second point he/she mentions is _______❹_______.

For example, _______❺_______.



❷和❹中,考生應概括出教授論述講座主題(程式、方法、理論、觀點或現象)的兩個重要方面。一般在以下提示句型之後,會出現重要句型,即some …. others…; one … another …; on one hand … on the other hand等。因此,考生切記在出現提示句後,記下關鍵字作為複述重點。



邏輯順序:熟記Task 6中的1+2+2結構。先總結中心句,然後分為幾個層次講,理清每個層次的主要支撐細節是什麼。

Task 6因為涉及的是學術類話題,考生必不可少地會聽到學術語彙。因此,考生應在平時加強速記練習,遇到生僻不懂的詞彙選擇用適合自己的速記方式記錄下來。實在不懂的單詞,通過模仿單詞的發音複述即可。



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